Livin' Life w/o sheep

The dogs off

     Navigating a nice balance.  Just the same with the dogs.  All work and no play......   
Here are some instances of sheepdogs, just breathing and being dogs.  Not leaning the instincts away from their calling.  Not satiating the hunger for sheep by finding an alternative outlet, but rather finding a happy balance.  Happy dogs.

Thanksgiving day spent exploring the Pony Express Trail
Cold Springs Station

     Ready to go to (my) work at the crack of dawn.  Always leading the way.

Ranch stuff and workouts

Family time

After trial visit to Pacific

Local mountain hikes and conditioning

     "Happiness is not a matter of 
intensity but of balance,
order, rhythm and
-T. Merton

"In art and dream may you
proceed with abandon.  In
life may you proceed with 
balance and stealth."
-P. Smith


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