Teaming up - Dry Lake SDT 2014
The next step
I think the highlight of Dry Lake was the 750 yard outrun progressively downhill with several swales where you would lose sight of your dog and sheep. It was very difficult to see your dog on outrun. And tricky to try to identify if it was your dog or set out dog by the sheep.
Our goal for Dry Lake SDT 2014 was to come home with more numbers than letters and continue to work on our teamwork.
I think the highlight of Dry Lake was the 750 yard outrun progressively downhill with several swales where you would lose sight of your dog and sheep. It was very difficult to see your dog on outrun. And tricky to try to identify if it was your dog or set out dog by the sheep.
Feist's outrun seemed like an eternity. A more experienced handler said you could send your dog, and then go have lunch. I lost sight of her to the right about a third of the way out. But periodically would see little puffs of dusts along the way. She did beautifully coming up behind them. She really took her time on the lift. Enough time that I started to doubt if that little black dot was really her or not.... TRUST YOUR DOG (remember). She was reading her stock and she did have a girl that didn't want to play along with the other three.
It was a fantastic exercise in communication and trust for us. She had a good read on THAT ewe, and I knew where we should be on the course. We had two or three chances to dump the run, but we managed to put it back together and continue around the course. We timed out in the shedding ring, but I was very happy. Numbers. Great chance to communicate. Both of us definitely on the same page.
Our second go we had a nice set of sheep and a morning draw. It seemed that I wasn't as nervous at the post. At this juncture I shouldn't admit, but it is true, I am just starting to think about lines and not banana fetchs/drives. I will not watch the clock, because twice it caused me anxiety that lead to my partner DQing.
We did well. Hit fetch panels and Drive Away panels, fixing lines tidy with square flanks. Just missed cross drive panels, my fault, I thought we were right on line... tidy turns.
Quick tidy shed, with the help of the lead ewe. And we did time out on the pen. If only we had 20 more seconds.
I know with any journey there are peaks and valleys. One must travel simply for the sake and love of the walk. This was fun. First run and second run. This was certainly a peak. For so long I couldn't even envision what the goal was, it is a tricky journey. I am so lucky to have this little teammate. So full of joy and unbridled enthusiasm. She unleashes her all at every juncture. I need to continue to step up my game.
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