
Showing posts from January, 2013

Good Communication

First comes trust,     Photo by Kelsey Nichols then comes loyalty.        Dogs are smart.  They all lead different journeys before they arrive.  The only time things are created equal is when they are in the litter, and even then there are inequities.  The little runt sometimes becomes the pick of the litter because he had to be tough to make it.  Multiple owners.  Genetics.  Environment.  Human quirkiness transference issues.        I like these words "first comes trust and then comes loyalty".  It is just part of some random fb post that I borrowed a part of.  It is very true on all accounts.  If there is NO trust, then there is NO loyalty.  And for my dogs, bless their hearts, they all come from different back grounds, experiences, exposures, and genetic predispositions.        My mentors lament that you should find the style ...


     The seasons keep rolling by us.  The challenge is in seeking daylight, which is graciously showing up more often,  safe conditions and warmth.               Our motley crew of herding volunteers.  Very fat and sassy this winter.      The dogs are looking forward to getting out.  Very happy with the extra hikes and ski outtings this year.  The Canadian and Idaho bred dogs are loving the snowy conditions.  The Nevada bred human, maybe not so much.       Currently shifting work from close to home, arena and home-field ranch work, to greater exposure within a reasonable and time sensitive distance.        Braving the terrain that isolates us from the rest of the world.  This small barrier that we call the Sierra Mountains.  Again, expanding horizons of what CAN be do...