
Showing posts from September, 2013


A Change of Season "Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile." -William Cullen Bryant      If wishes were horses...  this beggar would ride.  It has been an amazing trek down the unmarked pathway this year so far.  I was stressed and somewhat disappointed that I was tossed time wise back into the working world as harshly as I was.  Logging hours.  Covering about three full time jobs. Balancing work, home, and sheepdogging precariously.   It hasn't been bad at all.  It has been good.      We now have a bit of lease property with a starter flock that we are trying to shape into the consistent animals desired for training/trialing.  I have not quite built my "Mecca", however I have acknowledged the resources that already existed in my own backyard.  Sandra built a stockyard on our back property that is amazing, for 'working' the sheep.  The ranch fields are just a small haul out away. ...

Still planting, even in harvest season.

The end of wisdom is to dream high enough not to lose the dream in the seeking of it. -William Faulkner